Wednesday, February 26, 2020

E-Commerce Article #2


The media I chose to read was an interview. This interview follows a woman named Tomi Gbeleyi who developed a makeup brand called MFMG Cosmetics directed to women of color. This was really interesting because she talked about how originally she wasn't planning on developing her own brand. She began by using Instagram and a blog, although she believes majority of her success came from Instagram. With her account, she was able to re-post makeup artists and brands that support women of color and gained thousands of followers. She also advocated for different campaigns such as the I Love My Lips The Way They Are campaign. As time went on and she gained more fame, she began to work from home and work with a chemist to make makeup products for darker-skinned individuals. I chose this article because I am a big fan of many makeup artists, plenty of which are of color. It was exciting to see someone taking that step to help make a more universal makeup brand.

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