Friday, March 13, 2020

E-Commerce Article #3


In this article, there is talk about the toilet paper shortage because of  COVID-19. The stores are all almost completely cleared out of toilet paper and other paper products (i.e paper towels). This article says it is based on mass hysteria, which I agree with to an extent. There are actions in Australia to prevent this, but none in the United States. In Australia, they are printing emergency toilet paper in the back of newspapers, just in case people happen to run out and there is none left in the stores. This is also helpful in case the country goes into quarantine. For the United States, economists suggested trying to refrain from mass-buying toilet paper. They argue that by doing so, the companies will feel more inclined to raise the prices on their next load delivery. This relates to E-Commerce because even the online store websites are entirely out of toilet paper.

1 comment:

  1. I think it this article was very interesting. Very interesting how much the COVID-19 has effecting eCommerce.
